Queer Art vs the Future in the US
I’m a Canadian, you can listen to me say “out” for amusement later, but for now I’m raging at what transpired in the US November 5th, 2024. It was historic in the most disgusting way. Over half of our neighbours to the south chose to vote for a leader and party that no longer hides it’s racism, misogyny, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, and lack of moral compass. What’s worse is we’ve been watching that behaviour, that entitlement, sleaze it’s way north to Canada. Which is why I’m doubling down on queer art.
Queer art of the 80s and 90s was in your face. It was “we are here, we are fighting a world wide AIDS epidemic and you bloody breeders need to pay attention”. The US was a bad place to be, Regan steadfastly ignored the AIDS crisis and nearly a whole generation of gay men died. Love thy neighbour, don’t judge others, became “Meh, let languish and die. Maybe ostracize along the way.” If art calling that out made you uncomfortable, well, people were dying.
I am of course simplifying, but face it, we just saw where a nuanced political message get you… It gets you an authoritarian. Tough years are coming my queer friends, and not just the next four. Any lost grounds in terms of rights and safety in the next four years are going to be hard to win back. We’re seeing this bullshit here too. Our provincial election in BC saw ~40% of the vote go to the BC Conservatives. It’s a party that refuses to ask racists in their ranks to step down, and who’s leader actively participates in working against diversity in sexual education and transgendered youth rights.
Queer, gay, trans folks caught in the spreading Red mire are going to need our help. They are going to need to know they aren’t alone. Art can do that, be it sly imagery or in your face lyrics. They are going to be trapped in communities and countries happily emboldened to tell them they don’t have the rights and freedoms, not only to make their own choices about their bodies, but to their lives. Art can show lives they dream of, support, or even just reassurance that they are normal.
And to those pumping out the Red vitriol, Art can be the fuck you slap in the face. It can be the forceful counterbalance to the ‘phobias. It can be a constant to reminder that in voting for the lowest, basest simplest message, people are hurting thier neighbours, their family and friends.
And on that note, here are two cowboys in love. Next time, I hope to draw something more in your face. Maybe the one needs more of a bulge before I paint it. If not an out right erection, and undone fly. Let me know what you think.