Fisting Again? February's VML GRUNT Poster

Fisting Again? February's VML GRUNT Poster

I was looking forward to an easy lift for February's GRUNT night poster. The original theme was, "How deep is your love?" I had a suitable fisting piece from my catalogue picked out... Except, there's been a spate of planned and impromptu fisting demo's of late; so a group sigh was uttered followed by, "Oh, Fisting again?" Time for theme free-association going from "Valentines", to "red", to "red bottoms", to "corporal punishment", to... Oh, wait, we just did flogging. So red bottoms then...

Hitting on "red bottoms" as a theme, is where I reached out to members of the Vancouver Men in Leather via our group chat. My idea was to do an Andy Warhol style grid of asses instead of soup cans, all getting progressively redder... Maybe throw a paddle or flogger in to the mix just to make the meaning clear. Cool idea, I'll save it, but then my time and effort constraints ran into "math".

A 3-by-3 grid is nine asses, 4-by-4 is 16 asses, 5-by-5 equals 25 asses... that is an exponential ass-load/butt-load of drawing. Normally I'm game to try draw an ass-scape, but I've been wrestling with some pretty challenging effects from my TBI, the rehab to treat it, and skirting a little art burn out. So I scaled things back.

This means I owe the providers of ass-reference pictures an apology.

Sorry, gents!

I will, of course, be saving the memory of your multitude of asses for posterity, and hope to work them into future art pieces.

Ultimately, I dug through the backlog of my incomplete art, and found a suitable piece of art. As a bonus for black history month, which is currently being drown out by the trump-trollgasm, the model… enough said.
Then re-coloured the piece, added some cheeky-little ass-hearts, and we have a poster... Well, there was more to it than that; the original sketch wasn't quite the right perspective, the paddle wasn't quite active feeling enough, one of the Sir's arms was a little broken... Oh, and copy… the tag of Hard, red love”, just felt right.

And then, then we had a poster! A pretty striking one in the end I think... word play obviously intended.

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